DO NOT FEAR Bible Verse: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and Jehovah caused the sea to recede from the east wind, and the sea became dry and the fire was broken. Exodus 14:21 Psalm 78:13. Considering this incident, one thing is clear that God caused this whole incident. The… Continue reading Don’t be afraid, stay calm
Month: April 2020
You will win every battle in life.
You will win every battle in life. Bible verse: Jehovah is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Whom shall I fear? Psalm 27-1 Introduction: Here, the words light, fortress, or force are figurative. In the dark, the danger increases. It is difficult to… Continue reading You will win every battle in life.
God is your strength.
God is your strength Bible Verse: Blessed is he whose help is God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God. Psalm 146-5 Happiness and God is the formula. Man needs God’s help. David won every battle because he had God’s help. He did not lose a single battle. So he says that… Continue reading God is your strength.
blessed life with God.
Blessed life with God Bible Verse: The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. Proverbs 10:22. The key to understanding the meaning of verses 28: 1-13 and Psalm 73 above is that we should not follow the world to become rich. People in the world do anything… Continue reading blessed life with God.
cause of your richness or poverty ?
PROSPERITY Bible verse: Remember Jehovah your God, for he is the one who gives you the strength to gain wealth. That he may establish the covenant which he made with his fathers, as it is this day. Deuteronomy 8:18. We must first realize that what we receive is from God. Whether we are rich or… Continue reading cause of your richness or poverty ?
The common virtue of the people of God.
The common virtue of the people of God Promise: God does not discriminate. For the Lord of all is one, and all who call upon him are of supply He is so prosperous. Rome: 10:12. Satan felt everywhere discrimination in human dealings. Such as caste differences, religious differences, caste differences, province differences, language differences, gender… Continue reading The common virtue of the people of God.