The Hittites replied to Abraham, “Sir, listen to us; You are a mighty prince among us, Bury Your dead in the choicest of our tombs. None of us will refuse you his tomb for burying your dead. Genesis 23:6.

Abraham lived a strange life in the land of Canaan. Such a person is secondary to the locals. But Abraham’s biography shows that he lived a very effective life in the land of Canaan, and grew so much that the kingdoms honoured him, not only that, but they made a peace treaty with the king. The people there called him their Lord. While this may seem strange, it is true with Abraham and in our case, just need to understand it.
How to recognize our kingship: The life of Abraham helps us to know the quality of our life. God has chosen us for the salvation of humankind. We are like a king in this world. Here we will explain how.
A) our call:
God chose Abraham and set him apart to bless all the nations on earth. This was his coronation. Whenever chosen, a king in the world is always crowned. This anointing made him realize he was no longer confined to himself or his family but to all the people of the state. In short, he should serve the people of the state.
God has chosen us. This choice shows our kingship. But we do not notice this because the pictures of the worldly kings are very different before our eyes. We understand his racial stature, enormous wealth, military might and his unrestrained control over the people. They achieve all this by using intellectual ingenuity and strength. Seeing all this, it seems like a parody to see yourself as a king. But we should keep in mind that the call of God is enough to prove our anointed kingship when the Supreme and Eternal God, the Creator, Sustainer and Owner of all, choose us. Abraham was a foreigner in the land of Canaan. there was no power in his hands, even he had no place to put his feet. Yet, it was because of the call of Almighty God that the Gentiles viewed him as lord and ruler of God.
B) The power of God in our life:
God keeps his company with his chosen one for everlasting. Out of fear, Abraham lied twice about his wife, Sarah. He said she was his sister because he thought people would kill him. As a result, when Pharaoh, king of Egypt, took her to be his wife, God rebuked him and protected his wife Sarah. The same thing happened to Abimelech, king of Gerar. God protected Abraham on every step, giving him success in everything he did, so his influence grew. How could an ordinary human be able to defeat the combined forces of four kingdoms with his few comrades? By looking at his extraordinary life, these foreigners knew God was with him. His power was so great that kings came and made peace with him. They were afraid of Abraham because they knew the Almighty God was with him. Genesis 21: 22-23.
C) God’s promise to us:
God promised Abraham, “I will make you prosperous, and I will make nations out of you, and kings will be born of you.” Genesis 17: 6. God’s Word says, “Just as Abraham believed God and judged righteous, so you know that those who believe are the children of Abraham.” Because we believe in Jesus Christ, we are Abraham’s spiritual children, anointed kings born of him.
How to act as King:
God has chosen us to be kings in this world, but not to rule unrestrainedly like the worldly kingdoms, but to obey God humbly and fulfil His will in our lives. So there is a holy life that will suit God’s calling. When we glorify God by our good works, his power will reveal at every step of us, and our kingship will reveal to the world. Let us look at Abraham’s life.
A) Our obedience:
According to the scriptures, the king should rule under the kingship of God. The king’s first duty is to obey God. God chose Abraham and commanded him to leave his ancestral home and follow the path he would show. There was none of the glory that the worldly king received. It was just a vast terrain. He did not know where to go, what to do, and how to achieve. Only he knew that the Almighty God had chosen him for a special task. And that was very important to him. Believing in God’s Word, he obeyed God’s every command. He grew so obedient that he did not spare even his only son.
There is nothing in your life like seeing yourself as a king. That’s just the opposite situation. Yet, like Abraham, our first duty is to respond zealously to God’s choice and to obey God’s commandments. Our glory is not in material things; It is in God’s promise.
B) Our testimony:
Abraham was determined to live by God’s promise. He was living a very normal life, but God was making him progressively better. But he ignored worldly things. While the dispute between Lot’s servants and his, he gives freedom to Lot to choose the region he wants and dedicates himself to the will of God. Genesis 13: 5-9.
He was living peacefully with the locals. Did not argue with them when they claimed the wells he had dug, he dug new wells. He treated the locals with restraint and fear without hurting them. However, seeing his prosperity and success in everything, his influence on the locals continued to grow.
Abraham lived a silent, upright life, but risked his life for his loved ones and for justice. When his relative Lot had captive by invading kings, without noticing Lot’s past dealings with them, he, along with a few of his comrades, broke through the vast army of invading kings and defeated all the kings together to free his relatives. He took nothing of the loot but gave a tenth of everything to Melchizedek, king of Salem, the priest of the Most-High, who was facing him and gave it to the king of Sodom. Genesis 14: 13-24. Abraham entertained angels, he did not know that they were angels. This was his usual behaviour. As he was constantly running to the aid of all, the people there considered him as the lord among them. Abraham acted as a mediator between God and man. When he realized how God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, he interceded for them. God’s chosen person is the anointed King. Like Abraham, his life is harmless but dedicated to the public good and God’s work.
C) Our Worship Life: Wherever God
To Abraham and blessed him. He built an altar to God and worshipped him. Genesis 12;, 8, 13:18, we know that King David was a good worshiper of God. If God chooses us, it will fill our lives with gratitude as we walk in his company. The king chosen by God is his infinite devotee.
Sarah would have died in Hebron at 127. Abraham asked Hittites to give him a place to bury his dead. The reaction of Hittites was very loyal to him. They call him Lord and their king. The descendants of Heta honoured Abraham. they respected Abraham’s word as respect for the word of a king. It reflected the same testimony in the lives of many Christian ministers. God was with them so they could go to different nations and serve God. The Lord Jesus says you are the salt and light of the earth. Your good work brings Glory to the Father in heaven. Matthew 5: 13-16. God has given us the service of reconciliation. We should touch every race, nation, and tribe with the love of Christ. That is why we should live life in God, as Abraham did. In the world, we should have known God’s representatives. We are God’s chosen anointed kings on earth to save humanity.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you are with me, just as you were with Abraham, so help me reveal your glory through my life. In the name of Jesus, l pray. Amen.
Rev. Kailas Sathe