And when Isaac went into the wilderness to meditate in the evening, he looked up and saw the camels coming. Genesis 24:63.
Let us join our hearts in this devotion. The devotional topic of today is “The biblical Yoga leads towards Holiness.”
Dear friends, the world is very stressful, filled with complications and anxiety. A person belonging to any age group suffers from these complications and a stressful lifestyle. The youth today suffers comparatively more and hence we have to develop and build ourselves to face the world. Looking at the need today, the church is trying to bring Yoga into the church. But yoga is a religious practice. Which is taking our focus away from God. And is leading to man-made practices like meditation to attain spiritual power. And so we can not follow it.
hence, to build ourselves to face these worldly enforces, God has given us a precious guideline through the life of Issac.
As I meditate on the above verse, I would like to draw your attention to the disciplined life of Isaac. If we look at rural life recently, the evening is the time to retire from the daily work, the time to rest. Look at the lifestyle of Isaac he uses to meditate in solitude, which reveals his disciplined life. We don’t know how he meditated. But we can think that he must have gone to solitude in the evening and sat quietly and reduced his stress. Communicate with God in a quiet place through prayer, giving thanks, take His guidance. Whatever it was, one thing was for sure: he was serious about his physical and spiritual health.
Today we are suffering thousands of times more than Isaac. Our day job doesn’t end until late at night. There are Life-threatening competitions. and worries about the future, not only about healthy food but also this air pollution does not keep God-given oxygen clean. And the apex of all this is the noise pollution that is constant for twenty-four hours. All of this is affecting our physical, mental, and intellectual health. This creates many problems and makes us question whether life is a gift or a burden.
Gradually, the workforce disappears; we lose the joy of life. Some people have a lot of money but can’t enjoy it. We have lost something over a long period. So meditate daily like Isaac so that life does not become tyrannical. In this quiet examine daily activities. Open your mind to God and ask for guidance for the next day. God Himself reviewed the daily work at the time of creation and took a complete rest on the seventh day.
God gives us compulsory lockdown every Saturday so that we, too, can get physical and mental rest. lockdown, which we call the Sabbath day.
In Developed countries like the United States, there are two days off on weekends to rest and communicate with God. Of course, there is a question that how people are using this time. But if we follow Isaac’s disciplined life, we will be free from many kinds of physical and mental disorders and our life will be full of peace and happiness.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, when you were on earth, you talked to God your Father in private every day. I also want to talk to you every day in quiet time. Guide me daily so that I can live a stress-free life. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Rev. Kailas (Alisha) Sathe