blessed life with God.

Blessed life with God


Bible Verse: The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. Proverbs 10:22.


The key to understanding the meaning of verses 28: 1-13 and Psalm 73 above is that we should not follow the world to become rich. People in the world do anything to get rich. Wealth is their goal. They try to buy happiness and peace with money, but it is far from them. Looking at it from superficies, we envy them. The psalmist says my feet would slip as I looked at the world. I was jealous of the wicked. Because I think they are thrilled, their bodies are healthy, they live in rubbish; they behave as they please; they do injustice, but their wealth grows. So I thought I was fair. Because I am suffering even though I am doing well, hardships follow me. I did not know what to do, but when I entered God’s temple, God opened my eyes and I saw the end of these people. If God had put them in a slippery place, they would have perished in an instant. But I am always close to you. Your right hand is holding me. You are teaching me the way. What is earned according to the principles of the world never gives man true happiness. God kept sadness with that wealth. Psalm 73: 18-19.

But when one receives riches from the Lord, he puts an end to all the troubles in life. God blesses his children perfectly. Blessings come and go when God is gracious. You don’t have to follow them. He can find everywhere blessings in life; their wealth does not bring a snare. These blessings last for generations. It established their children in the highest place. Deuteronomy 28: 1-13. What they take for granted is accomplished. Their prosperity is pleasing and benevolent to others.

Psalm 23 Since God is their Shepherd; they do not care about their present and future security. God assures them of everlasting blessings. Their sleep is blissful. So we should get rich with God’s blessing.


PRAYER: O Lord Jesus blesses me with riches and takes away all sorrow. I do not walk in the world’s way, but wait for your blessing, for your guidance, and your right hand is holding me. I thank you for constantly giving me the experience that you are my shepherd. I expect riches from you that will not bring a snare into my life, but a blessing that will last for generations to come. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.







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