Blessings of Numbers 6: 22-26.

Promise: May God bless you and protect you. May Jehovah make your face shine upon you and have mercy on you. May Jehovah lift up his face to you and give you peace. Numbers 6: 22-26.


God tells Moses how Aaron and his sons should bless Israel as priests. Here, God tells us exactly what words to use for a blessing. From this, we should understand the importance of blessings.

What is a blessing?

We see God bless nature and said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the sea, and multiply birds on the earth. Genesis 1:22. Be multiplied and fill the earth and take possession of it, and richness of the fish in the sea and to the birds in the sky and to every living thing that moves on the earth. Genesis 1:28 And when the creation was finished, he blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because he had rested that day from all his work which God had created and done. Genesis 2: 3. One thing to keep in mind from the blessings is that what exactly did God bless her with? Some great ones to breed capabilities such as the ability to provide the means to do away with all the rights dilatyaca burned, and the earth was filled with God accurately words or the ability and the right to receive them. The blessings of God prajananaca man.

This ability not only gave him the right to occupy the earth, but also gave him the right to control all living things. And in the third blessing he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, and gave it special significance. From this it can be seen that blessing means giving special gifts through words, increasing the importance, and establishing some special power to fill the gaps. Blessings are completely auspicious and manifest goodwill. And since what has been said has been spoken with authority, it expresses the belief that it will be fulfilled. For we see that God has spoken, and it is fulfilled.

Who can bless:

From the many examples of blessing in the Scriptures we can see who can bless, such as God, Genesis 1:28, Mark 10:16, Priest Numbers 6: 22-26. Parents Genesis 27:23, Deuteronomy 5:16. Angel, Genesis 32:28. The Elderly Can Bless All, Even the Kingdom Genesis Genesis 47: 7, 48: 9, Prophecy Genesis 22: 6, Deuteronomy 33: 1, Kings 1 Kings 8:55, Righteousness 11:11, All Christians Romans 12:14.

The True Source of Blessing:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and from him who has no disorder, and who does not walk in the shadow of hope. James 1:17. This means that God is the source of all blessings. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all. But God blesses his chosen ones when he blesses his chosen ones. Yet, the Bible clearly states that God appointed priests to bless his people. 1 Chronicle 23:13.

Excavations in Jerusalem in 1979, 700 years before Christ; Two rupee boards were found. Numbers 6: 24-26 was found engraved on it. The priests used this word to bless, so these words were very important in Israel.

What is the real blessing:

At first sight today; We see blessings in physical form. But a Christian needs to understand the secret. The true blessing is not in gold, but in living with God. Life in God is a real blessing, and His companionship is real protection. Like David, we should enjoy a comfortable life under the grace of good shepherds, unlike Jesus Christ. John 10: 11-16.


Lord Jesus, you are my best shepherd. Keep your eyes on me. You are my true blessing and protection in my companionship. You are the source of my glory, God bless nature and said my Father. Forgive me for my sins and satisfy me with your fatherhood. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Rev Kailas [Alisha] Sathe.

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