Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he prayed in the name of the Eternal God, Jehovah. Genesis 21:33.

God is so good that he wants his children to treat him just as well. He expresses this expectation in his command of Israel. He says: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might, O Israel.” Abraham truly loved God with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his strength. So the definition of faith created between God and Abraham became a guide for us to walk on the path of blessing.
Have Spiritual Foresight:
we need spiritual foresight to live spiritual life effectively. A person who has spiritual foresight does not succumb to worldly temptations or stumble under any circumstances. God had promised Abraham that He will multiply his seed as the stars of heaven. God promised this entire country to him and his descendants as an inheritance. Abraham had complete faith in God’s promises. This is where the promise begins. Abraham, however, was looking at this meagre beginning completely through God’s promises, and he was experiencing its fulfilment in his soul. Now he had his own well. There he would quench the thirst of his house and his livestock. He planted a tree called Ashel in order to strengthen that right and that covenant and give us the shade of the right in that desert. According to researchers, the tree grows up to 30 feet tall and provides a very dense shade. While planting this tree, Abraham’s heart must have filled with the thought, “How good God is. How faithful He is.” And he would say to himself, “God, you have done this. You have blessed me in this land. You have made my name great. I have promised son, my own well, and now this tree that I can plant here by your grace, it will be enormous, I, all my family, my cattle and sheep will comfort under the shade of this tree, not only that My future generations will rest here, they will remember me. You are the Eternal God, and you will be with me for generations to come”.
Follow the call of God:
From time to time, we see this spiritual vision in Abraham’s life. Believing God’s promise, at seventy-five, he left his family and relatives and walked the path that God showed. As he travelled through the wilderness of Canaan, he faced many difficulties. There were many incidents that increased his worries and anxiety. Still, he responded positively to God’s call. He had gained spiritual maturity and foresight through many experiences. He lived in tents, but he saw cities built by God for his future generations and their government capital. Hebrews 11: 8-10.
Celebrate your victory with God:
This is the happiest moment in Abraham’s life. Abimelech, king of Gerar, and Picol, the captain of his host, came and made a covenant with Abraham. So Abraham would have a right to live in this land. There is no end to Abram’s joy and happiness. As a result, it filled his heart with praise for Jehovah. So he organized a prayer of thanksgiving here. It was a big prayer program.
God’s servants always feel that they owe their victory to God. They shouldn’t be behaving like I did. They act as if God made it possible. King David calls God his shepherd. He gives credit to God for everything in his life. He says, “Give thanks to the Lord, my soul; give thanks to his holy name in all my heart. Give thanks to the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all his favours. God forgives all your iniquities; heals all your diseases; and saves your life from destruction. He gives you a crown of love and compassion. He satisfies your life with good things; so your youth is as new as an eagle. ” Psalm 103: 1-5.
Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t extend the rope of your life, so why brag! It is not practical for humans to brag. It is practical for us to be celebrating our victory with God and to lead our future generations on the path of blessing. The Purim festival is a good example of this. On the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, when God gave the Jews a glorious victory over their enemy, they sent gifts to one another on the fourteenth and fifteenth days. They celebrated this festival every year so that they would remember this victory given by God for generations to come. For this, the next generation will walk in the company of God and will bless. Esther 9: 26-28.
Let your life be a guide for future generations: Abraham prayed in the name of God, ‘El-Olam eternal God ‘. El-Olam eternal God was the subject of his message. This is what he was telling his present loved ones and future generations about God: that the Creator of the universe I am following is the Eternal God. He will be with you and for generations to come, just as he is with me, for he is eternal. Live by believing in Him. He has given you the best blessings.
Through this, Abraham introduced his family to Jehovah God. There may or may not be a few things in your life that apply to your promise. Would you praise God as Abraham did? He has so great a blessing for us through his promise. Keep this precious blessing in the hands of your future generations through the witnesses to them.
The son of Korah prays to God in the time of the great tribulation, saying, “We have heard with our ears, O God, our father has told us what you did in the days of old; you drove out the nations with your hand, But thou have increased them because they have not conquered the land by their sword, nor by their arms, but by thy right hand, and by the glory of thy mouth because thou wast pleased with them. Psalm 44: 1-3.
The son of Korah refers to his forefathers in prayer because they have passed on the testimony of God from generation to generation. If your life is a guide for future generations, the upcoming generations will refer to you in their prayer.
O Lord Jesus, your presence with me and you’re walking with me is an experience of your grace. Help me see my future through your promise. Let my life fill with your praise. Let my life be a guide for future generations. Listen as I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Rev. Kailas [Alisha] Sathe