Free from fear
Abimelech and Picol, the commander of his force, said to Abraham, God is with you in everything you do. Genesis 21:22.

Don’t be afraid: Abraham was always afraid in front of the locals. He did not dare to take control of his own wells, not only this but also he did not dare to expose or accept his wife in front of the foreign people. Even though God had promised him, he will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and I will bless all people on earth through you”. Genesis 12: 3. Still, Abraham was afraid. Of course, Abraham was not a coward at all to rescue his cousin Lot from the hands of the invading kingdoms. He fell upon their combined forces with a few of his people. He defeated the armies of the five kingdoms, freed Lot, and returned all the possessions. But, still, he feared foreigners. But after having the experience with King Abimelech, Abraham was no more afraid of him. Of course, we need to learn from Abraham’s experience that if God is with us, then a monarchy cannot harm us. Jesus teaches us,”do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t kill the soul. Matthew 10:28.
One Plus God Is Majority: You know, when Abraham came to Gerar, he said out of fear for his life that Sarah was his sister, not his wife. So Abimelech took Sarah to his house without question. So God afflicted Abimelech and his family. God warned Abimelech in a dream to prevent further calamity. Then Abimelech sent Sarah to Abraham, her husband. After Abraham prayed, Abimelech and his family saved and had children. He always thought that he was in big trouble because of Abraham. He saw that Abraham’s strength was growing, but he could do nothing because he thought that if he hurt Abraham, God would castigate him. Do no harm. We call this God, plus one is the majority.
All power bows down to the one on whose side God is. Kings and generals begged Abraham, although he was a stranger in their land. They begged for mercy. What do we need to understand about this? We are the children of Abraham, as promised. The Lord Jesus Christ is with us. How to behave in this world in a state of hope. We have no reason to lie, as Abraham did, because we know how God brought a king to Abraham. So the straightforward way is to live in the company of God under his guidance, without fear of anyone or anything.
Honour but do not take burden: Abimelech, king of Gerar, and Picol the captain of his army, came to Abraham and asked the covenant to swear an oath. And Abraham said unto Abimelech, Thy servants have taken me well. Here we see Abraham called him and objected to his demand that you do not treat me fairly and expect grace from me. Abimelech said to Abraham, “I know nothing about this and you are telling me this today, so I am innocent in this matter”. After this discussion, Abraham agreed to the covenant. He gave Abimelech sheep and oxen, and they made a covenant. The covenant guaranteed Abraham freedom of movement and real estate. And Abraham blessed Abimelech, his sons, and his land. After this, Abraham gave Abimelech seven lambs. Abimelech asked him what he was doing. And Abraham said, take these seven lambs from me, that I may know that I have toiled this well and that it is mine.
Abraham said, take these seven lambs from me, that I may know that I have dug this well, and that it is mine. And Abimelech took the lamb, and it became a possession for Abraham. In those days, different things were used to commemorate the covenant, like making altars, naming wells, making piles of stones and giving them names, changing the name of the town, exchanging livestock, planting trees and giving names to them. So that generations may remember this covenant. We should note here that contracts not written on bond paper like today as there was no such facility in those days.
Lord Jesus, my welfare is in your hand, for I am constantly experiencing your blessings. Help me be like Abraham and to be with you. As I ask in the name of Jesus, listen, Amen.
Rev. Kailas (Alisha) Sathe.