Don’t be afraid, stay calm

Bible Verse: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and Jehovah caused the sea to recede from the east wind, and the sea became dry and the fire was broken. Exodus 14:21 Psalm 78:13.
Moses Parts the Sea - The Ten Commandments (6/10) Movie CLIP (1956 ...

Considering this incident, one thing is clear that God caused this whole incident. The purpose is to teach the Egyptians to know Jehovah and to punish Pharaoh and his army. He led the Israelites to the Red Sea and set up camp near Baal Zephon, near Pi-Heiroth, just as God had commanded Moses. And God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he took with him six hundred chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and the captains of the host, and went after Israel. And when the children of Israel were encamped before Baal-Zephaniah, near Phi-Heroth, Pharaoh’s army came upon them. When Pharaoh’s army approached, it terrified the Israelites. Death stood before them, and they cried out to God, and they blamed Moses. Moses knew God had told him to do this, so he would do everything right. So he was trying to tell the people of Israel that God would protect them. This is God’s battle. But they were not listening to Moses because they were afraid.

 At last Moses, too, cried out to God. The situation was getting serious. Pharaoh had come very close with his army. His rage had hit the sky. Even when extreme conditions are created. God took control of the situation. And he said unto Moses, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Why call ye me? Pick up your rod and stretch out your hand on the sea and break it. Then the children of Israel will pass over dry land. I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will not know what is happening, and he will follow Israel into the sea. Then I will punish Pharaoh, his army, his chariots and his horses, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord God.

And it came to pass that the angel of God, which went before Israel by a pillar of cloud, stood behind him, between the host of Pharaoh and the children of Israel. He caused darkness on the side of the Egyptians and light on the side of Israel. So Pharaoh’s army could not come forward. The situation remained the same throughout the night. And he stretched forth his hand over the sea with a rod in his hand, as God commanded Moses: and God caused a great wind to blow from the east, and he made the sea dry; As soon as Israel’s voyage was over, Pharaoh’s army pursued them at sea. It was early in the morning when they all came to the middle of the sea with their chariots and horses. When Jehovah God looked at them from the fire and from the clouds, they trembled. When God pulled out the wheels of their chariots, they had difficulty driving. Exhausted, they realized Jehovah was fighting with them for Israel. Now they are afraid and trying to flee from there. 
They started thinking of running away. And God commanded Moses to stretch out his hand again to the sea, and let not the Egyptians that were in the sea go back; They all drowned.

In this battle, Moses only does what God tells him to do. Raising his hands to the sea and guiding the people of Israel as God tells them. Moses seemed to do everything, but indirectly, God was doing everything himself. God Himself was fighting this battle. So the Israelites broke through the sea and crossed the dry land, and the Egyptians drowned.

When we are commanding in the name of Jesus, we are standing in front of the situation, but indirectly, God is already in control of the situation. We just have to stand in the name of Jesus. God is fighting our war. So, just like Moses, pay attention to the Lord and be calm, but the rest of the victory will be yours to do as He tells you.

That God made the dry land of the sea for protecting the people of Israel also shows God’s power. On both sides, the water stands like a wall, and the Israelites cross the sea through dry land. This is unbelievable to man. But God can do everything. Bring to the fore the vast sea and the angry Pharaoh’s army, and the poor, the oppressed, the four hundred years of slavery, the crushed, the frightened. Understand all that God stands for them in this situation and performs this marvellous feat, and think how easily God, who delivers Israel in the hope, can deliver you from our lives. So don’t be afraid to look at the situation or the mighty enemy. Be steadfast in your faith in God.

PRAYER: O Almighty God, you are my stronghold, protecting me, making victory easy for me. Thank you. Keep your grace on me, keep helping me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Rev Kailas [ALISHA] Sathe.

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