God is your strength
Bible Verse: Blessed is he whose help is God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God. Psalm 146-5

He says follow my path so you don’t have to wait for blessings, they will come running to you. Socially, politically, and financially, you will be blessed. I will make you a leader for the world; You will be the head. People will follow you, you will not have to follow anyone. Deuteronomy 28: 1-13. That is why the psalmist says, “Happy is the God of Jacob, with whom the Lord our God is.”
God’s Word says of him who does not believe in God but follows the world, “Cursed be he who trusts in man and puts his body in his arms, and whose heart turns away from God. Jeremiah 17-5. Because 1) Man’s capacity is limited: 31-3 Psalm 108-12 But God’s power is unlimited 2-History 32 7-8. 2) Man’s help is not continuous, but God always helps This is true. Israel’s protector does not fall asleep or take a nap. His help is constant. Psalm 121-1-8. 3) Man’s faithfulness is doubtful, but God never threatens. Psalm 191-90 Translation 31 -6. A person who lives by believing in God’s help more than man, he is never ashamed, God keeps him happy.

PRAYER: O God, forgive me if I trust a man and act without understanding your source of help. I totally depend on you. Help me, take care of me, I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.