How to take a new leap? Isaiah 40:31.

How to take a new leap? Isaiah 40:31.

Promise: But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31.

Man sets many criteria while understanding the situation in his life. He tries to understand the events of life with many organs. If his days are bad, he blames himself, others, God, or fate. He tries to make sense of his situation. For this, he tries to understand his situation using his experience of the world, philosophy of the world, or so to speak about every aspect of the world. But he knows nothing because he cannot know that nothing happens here without the will of God the Father, the Creator and Master of this world. And even though he knows this, he does not understand why God does this. Scripture says that no one can be God’s counsellor, he does not need anyone’s guidance. Man’s ideas about God are ridiculous.

Humans need to understand that Jehovah is the only true God. He is Almighty God. He has authority over all. We hid nothing from him. He is the God of justice. He judges everyone according to his will. Lord has set a time for everything. So he asks Israel, “why do you say O Jacob, and complain O Israel, My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God”? Do you not know? Have you not heard? Don’t you know He is the Eternal God? He is the Creator, He is not tired, His intellect is inaccessible. He gives strength to the weary. Young people get tired. Yet those who hope in the Lord will gain new strength, they will fly like eagles with their wings; They will not get tired even if they run. Isaiah 40: 27-31.

Life is full of trials. Often life’s events are beyond people’s tolerance, so mental stress and weakness come. In such situations, people think of suicide to the extreme. In our country, stressful situations overwhelm many people and make the wrong decisions. One who puts his trust in God, not in money. So they wait patiently for God’s blessing. God empowered them mentally with a new power; Overcoming physical weakness, they fill up with new confidence, hoping the graph of their progress will never come down again.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank you because your grace is new to me every day. I thank you for making me as young as an eagle, for not letting my confidence go to waste. Please revive them by invigorating them. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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