Joy of Christmas Matthew 1:21




She will give birth to a child and you will name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21.



Today, Christmas is being celebrated all over the world. It is the only festival that has covered the earth. Because the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ is unique to humans. He was born into this world to save humanity from sin. Most people around the world have experienced salvation from Jesus Christ. For this reason joy of Christmas, we can see everywhere around the world.

Christmas has Many coloured. There are those who take part in it only as a traditional festival, and there are some who do not know the significance of this festival. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is that they either did not receive the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ, or they did not understand it. This is because Satan, the enemy of man and God, has obstructed this good news of salvation by creating many false philosophies around the world, creating barriers of discrimination and hatred among human beings. Yes, this is true because all people in the world need to be saved from the penalty of sin. Even today, most people in the world are born into sin, live in sin, and die in sin. By believing in Jesus Christ, they can be born into a holy life.

If they come to know about salvation, they can live a joyful life and go to God to live a never-ending, blissful life in heaven without ever dying in sin. That is why the good news is a great need in this world.

Today’s message is for those who do not understand why Jesus Christ comes to this world and what he has done for them to save them from sin. Let us understand the incredible reasons.

What is sin?:

There are many misconceptions about sin. Some are according to religion, some are according to culture. However, Sin is described in many places in the Scriptures. 1 John 3: 4 says, “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. ” All unrighteousness is sin, 1 John 5:17. Rebellion against God is a sin. Joshua 1:18.

Beloved people of God, we find many such kinds of interpretations in the Scriptures. It should note, therefore, that we must give the exact definition of sin in the light of the Scriptures as a whole. Doing so would lead to the next definition, “sin is the abandonment of the attainment of quality, ability and the best way of life.”

God-given status: God created man as His representative “replica”. He gave him authority over all life on earth. Genesis 1; 27-28. The first man had fellowship with God, Genesis 2: 18-19, 3: 8. God made man a little less than the angels. God gave him the same superiority and crowned him with glory and greatness. He gave him mastery over the works of the hand and put all things under his feet. Psalm 8: 5-6.

God-given Ability:

At first, humans did not have any disorders. Genesis 2:25 They could see God and talk to him. Genesis 2 and 3. As God’s representatives, they had the full potential of knowledge and power. Death did not have power over them. So they were immortal. If we want to understand the potential of the perfect man, we need to understand the potential of the Lord Jesus Christ because He has become a perfect human and walked among us. Luke 2:52, Mark 9:23, Matthew 17:20, John 14:12.

God-given Excellent Lifestyle:

The first human life was with God. Genesis: 3: 8. There was no discrimination between men and women in Genesis 2:24. They were working with God, Genesis 2:19-20. The lifestyle life of the Lord Jesus Christ represents the perfect man too. His love of God, his life is the demonstration of Holiness, his unconditional love for man, his forgiving heart. These are all aspects of his lifestyle, giving us a smart sketch of God’s intended lifestyles for human beings.

The first humans, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God’s will. So they lost their God-given status, ability, and superior lifestyle. It was a sin because their behaviour was against God’s will and concept.

Consequences of Sin: Adam and Eve lost their quality, ability, and excellent life. Their sin became a snare for all of humanity. Man’s fellowship with God is broken. He died and had a hard life. Genesis 3: 16-19. The effects of this sin continued to grow in humanity. It filled the human mind with disorder Genesis 6: 3.

What man has not lost, that his desire to regain his former standard, ability, and better lifestyle. So he kept searching for himself and for God, but Satan, who drifted away from God, took humankind under his domination and pushed it into darkness. Therefore, humankind did not recognize God and did not turn to him. Instead, he made his own gods, idols of humans, animals, birds, aquatic animals, and planets. Sometimes he worshipped them and sometimes he tried to subdue them. From this came different religions, sects, philosophies, techniques, mantras, sorcery, and different sciences. A man full of pride and greed declared himself God and exploited others. Because of this, the theocracy became dominant, and she established her dominance by inscribing the monarchy. Because Satan is behind all of this, he has given so much consciousness of enmity, selfishness, pride, and rivalry that humans do not know the difference between life and death.

God’s Word says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 The diseased human mind was corrupting him more and more. As a result, man became the enemy of man, the lust of the flesh in him gave birth to many undesirable things. Imperialism, racism, religiosity, casteism, linguistics, slavery, untouchability, poverty, exploitation, corruption, gender discrimination, and many such undesirable things were growing in the society. Man became a slave to Satan. As unrest and exploitation continued to spread throughout the world, Satan wreaked havoc on human life. The situation was such that no one in the world was happy.

Consequences of murder, adultery, theft, iniquity, wickedness, greed, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, blasphemy, insolence Man have inherited such vile lifestyles as cowards,  prostitutes, sorcerers, idolaters, liars. Those who follow such a lifestyle deserve the punishment of hell.

The Lord Jesus came into the world to save man from this fallen state: the sin of disobedience committed by the first human parents called “original” sin. This original sin causes all evil. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save humankind from this sin. God’s Word says, ” Lord Jesus Christ come to destroy the works of Satan.” 1 John 3: 8. He became a perfect human, just as his first parents did. Now he wanted to free humankind from the sin of disobedience by devoting himself to God’s will until death. So humankind should regain God-given status, ability, and quality of life. That is why the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ has a unique significance.

The believer in Jesus Christ again receives a higher status from God: he gave the right to become children of God to those who accepted him, to those who believed in his name. They were not born of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. John 1: 12-13. By faith in Christ, man regains his fellowship with God. 1 John 1: 3, 1 Corinthians 1: 9. God justifies and glorifies those who believe in Christ. Romans 8:30, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11.

The believer in Jesus Christ receives power again from God: When a man accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, God gives him a new birth by the Holy Spirit. John 3: 5-6. So the power of the Holy Spirit works in them. Acts 1: 8, 2 Timothy 1: 7.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ again receive a higher standard of living from God: the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ are influential in the world. In India, the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus Christ influenced Rajaram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and many other saints, social reformers and political leaders. There was no difference between the teachings and the way of life of Jesus Christ. The same is true of those who believe in him. God’s Word says you are the salt of the earth; You are the light of the world; Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5: 13-16 1 Peter 2: 9 says, “You are a chosen race, a political priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, so that you may proclaim the qualities of him who called you out of darkness into his bright light.”

God not only expects man to have a high standard of living only, but also empowers him with His Holy Spirit. It was God’s will to enable man to live a just life. In 36: 25-27 God says, “I will sprinkle pure water upon you, that you may be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and a new spirit within you. I will take away your heart and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit in you, and you will walk in my ways, and you will walk in my ways. ” Jesus Christ gave his Spirit to those who believe in him, God’s Word says, “The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness, joy, peace, long-suffering, tenderness, goodness, faithfulness, mildness, self-control.

He destroyed all differences between us so that we could live a pure life. God clothed those who were baptized into Christ. There is no distinction between Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female; All are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28.

Happy Christmas


The sin that made man guilty; The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem him from that sin and reconnect with God, and to give him his original glory, his quality, ability, and high standard of living. So the gospel of Christ’s birth is for all humankind, but especially for those who are humble, those who are just, those who are gentle, those who want peace, those who are hungry for righteousness, and those who want to be free from sin and cursed life. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 So believe in the Lord Jesus and enjoy the salvation life.

Rev. Kailas [Alisha] Sathe

Categorized as SERMON

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