And it comes to pass after these things, that God tempted Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham; and he said, behold here I am. Genesis 22: 1.

God wants to see us as blessed. He is always ready to bless us. All you need to do is walk in the blessings. Living a God-centered life like Abraham and walking faithfully, with Loving God, increases blessings.
Referring to the above verse, God blessed Abraham in the genuine sense of the word now. He had a promised son. King Abimelech had made a covenant with him. Now he could live in the land without fear. He owned a well. He had planted a tree there called Zhou. It is a sign of his Journey from stranger to loyal and royal resident had begun. Abraham was very pleased with this short beginning of a fulfilment of promises. Now he was looking forward to fulfilling those promises. The entire land belongs to him and his descendants. Prosperity is there because God is with him. Thus, as he dreamed of great and sweet blessings in the future, in this sweet time, God put him to the test. His ordeal was terrible, but his God-centered life not disturbed in the slightest. Let’s learn the secret of Abraham’s God-centered life.
He never stumbled upon God:
Negative thoughts should not have a place in our lives while walking in the company of God. Like Abraham, we should always be ready to serve God. He was always paying attention to the voice of God. Look when God judged Abraham. Now that Abraham comforted, and suddenly, God had brought upon him a great tribulation. It was like God had put him in a gigantic puzzle. He told him to take your only son Isaac whom you love to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain I will show there, Genesis 22: 2.
The question is, How much should a believer sacrifice for God? Should we offer the only child born after a hundred years as a burnt offering? If Abraham were to respond to this situation, what would you say? I am speechless. I think only Abraham can speak here. Because of Abraham’s experience with God, his faith in him, these things are very high spiritually. Our intellect cannot understand these things. I would say we have no right to comment here. Just bow down here and see the glory of the Holy God in His faithful servant. Because he is willing to sacrifice his only begotten Son.”
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Lord centred life. |
He never forgot what God had done for him:
when; God commanded Abraham to take his only son, Isaac, to the mountain he would show in the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering. Genesis 22: 2 This was shocking to Abraham. The practice of burning the children of the womb and offering them to demons was common in foreign lands. Psalm 106: 37, Deuteronomy 32:17, 2 Kings 21: 6. He must have thought all night that the God I am following is not like the gods of the nations. God is unique; eternal, faithful, saved me from my afflictions, and he cared for me, he protected me; he was gracious to me when I was wrong; he protected my wife by ruling kings like Pharaoh and Abimelech. Defended the city of Tire for a righteous man. He has blessed me with my every right decision. He satisfied me with Ishmael, but he gave me a son in Sarah’s womb at hundred. said to me, that this is your promised son, who will run your family. And he promised me he would make my offspring like the stars in the sky and like the sand of the sea. How can the holy Lord, who is so faithful to me, tell me to do such a thing! Though he woke up all night thinking about this, at dawn he realized he was being tested. So he got up early in the morning and went to Moriah with his only son and two junior servants. And when he went up to the mountain which God had shown him, he departed, and left his servants, and took his son, So the question naturally arises in the mind of Isaac that they were going to offer burnt offerings but where is the lamb needed for it? So he asks his father if they had all the requirements for the burnt offering, but where was the lamb? It has devastated Abraham to hear this. What was he going to say to his darling? But Abraham never forgot God’s favour. He got to know God through his life what he did for him. As a result, his relationship with God became stronger. So, while the test was going on, he stepped forward in faith. We should never forget the testimonies that have taken place in our lives. They are like a light for a blessed journey into the future. So we never stumble upon spiritual life.