Love of God. devotional

Then God told him in a dream, “Yes, I know that you did this with the purity of your heart.” Genesis 20:6 

[God is aware of us through dreams]

God’s mercy: Abraham was walking on God’s path, but not with perfect faith. He made mistake after mistake. He lived in fear. He was afraid of the people of Gerar, and he made a mistake again. Out of fear of death, he introduced the people of Gerar to his wife, Sarah, as his sister. It was the second time that he lied about Sarah.  Same thing he did with Pharoah. God had rescued Sarah and him from the hand of Pharoah. Genesis 12: 14-17. He learned nothing from this experience and failed to trust in God. But the mercies of God endure forever. Psalm 136: 1-9 says, ” Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. For his mercy endures forever”.

God’s acknowledgement of honesty and human fallen nature: God is loving. He loves everyone, even Pegan King Abimelech. He wants to give everyone a blessed life and save them from sin. He wants everyone to know him and his salvation. John 3:16. God had chosen Abraham and wanted him to live a blameless life before him. Genesis 17:1. But what about Abraham? He was not able to understand God’s grace and power.  But God had mercy upon him and stood for Saraha. Along with this, he had mercy on Abimelech, and to protect him from great sin and restore his life, he made aware of him through a dream, Genesis 20:6.

Victory over temptation and sin: How did God protect Abimlech from temptation and sin? In the book of Genesis, Abimelech, the king of Gerar, took Sarah to be his wife after Abraham claimed she was his sister. God warned Abimelech in a dream, telling him that Sarah was the wife of a prophet and that he would face destruction if he didn’t return her to her husband. Abimelech pleaded with God, explaining that he had taken Sarah with a pure heart, believing her to be Abraham’s sister. God acknowledged that he understood Abimelech’s perspective and warned him not to sin against Him. But believing in dreams and hearing God’s warning is not man’s greatness. 

It is a power of God! Overcoming temptation is not easy. One day, the Disciples asked Jesus, “Who will be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26). Saint Paul experienced this in his life. He said, “I can do all this through him who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13. God only provided his grace to Abimelech to overcome temptation and protect him from sin. Word of God said, “not by might nor by power, but by my spirit,” says the Lord almighty. Zechariah 4:6

God’s mercy and grace: Abraham’s lack of faith in God’s protection led to this situation occurring again. However, God did not show anger towards Abraham, as He understood Abraham’s doubts. While Abimelech’s actions were his fault due to his lack of complete knowledge, God made him aware of the truth to prevent him from sinning. This demonstrates God’s love and grace for humanity, as He can see beyond the superficial and understand our hearts’ innermost thoughts and intentions.

A Christian life is not sustained without God. We need God’s grace and mercy in every aspect of our lives. Jesus himself is an example for us. He grew in wisdom and stature and with the favour of God and man. Luke 2:52. He submitted himself to the will of God. His prayer and obedient life are an example for us. He said, “By myself, I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but to him who sent me” John 5:30. Furthermore, he said, ‘I love the father and do exactly what my father commanded me’ John 14:30. He prayed in Gethsemane and submitted his life unto the will of God. And with the power of God, he gained victory upon death and brought salvation to us.   

The text also emphasizes the importance of relying on God, as only He can see and understand everything and make the right decisions in every situation. It encourages living a fearless life by staying in God’s hands and trusting Him as a companion. Apostle Peter said, ‘Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ 2 Peter 3:18.  

The prayer at the end expresses gratitude for God’s presence and asks for guidance to avoid making mistakes while with Him. It concludes with a request in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Rev Kailas [Alisha] sathe. 





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