The common virtue of the people of God.

The common virtue of the people of God Promise: God does not discriminate. For the Lord of all is one, and all who call upon him are of supply He is so prosperous. Rome: 10:12. Satan felt everywhere discrimination in human dealings. Such as caste differences, religious differences, caste differences, province differences, language differences, gender… Continue reading The common virtue of the people of God.

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The help of God is imperative

The help of God is imperative   May he gives you the desire of your heart and makes all your plans succeed Ps: 20-4 While the king is praying in the temple of God before the battle, the priests and the people present are responding to the king’s prayer. King David has full confidence in his military… Continue reading The help of God is imperative

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25thDAY God fights our war. Word of God: After this, the word of God came to Abram in vision “do not be afraid Abram I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15: 1. It is True, Abram rescued his nephew Lot by defeating the invading kings; But when everything calmed down, he realized he… Continue reading DAILY DEVOTIONAL.

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