What difference does this distinction make for doing theology as a Wesleyan?

What difference does this distinction make for doing theology as a Wesleyan?  Introduction: Wesley contributed to every part of mission activities. He was a pioneer of the ecumenical movement. Many traditions developed his folk theology. He bypasses the classical disjunctions between the Roman and protestant extremes. The most important person in the revival of the… Continue reading What difference does this distinction make for doing theology as a Wesleyan?

Categorized as THEOLOGY

worship brings blessing!

 worship brings blessing! Bible verse: You must worship the Lord your God so that he will bless your food and water, and he will remove disease from you. Exodus 23:25. Worshipping God blesses food and water and removes the disease. This promise of great blessings depends on worshipping God. This worship should be full of… Continue reading worship brings blessing!

Categorized as DIVOTIONAL

How to avoid days of trouble? Genesis 21: 1.

Avoid days of trouble.   God said to Abraham, Let it not be evil in thy sight because of thy son, and because of thy maidservant. Listen to all that Sarah tells you. Genesis 21: 12.  Beloved, God has chosen us. However, the days of trouble in our life are not less. It is a puzzling thing. We must know the secret of this. From the life of our spiritual father, Abraham. Because if we find the… Continue reading How to avoid days of trouble? Genesis 21: 1.

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