Your sorrow will turn into Joy! Verse: And Sarah said God made me laugh; Everyone who hears will laugh with me. Genesis 21: 6. Introduction: there is an assumption it is very important for a woman to have a male child. The most important duty of women was giving birth to the male child. It believes… Continue reading Your sorrow will turn into Joy.
Why Lot’s daughters could determine to have intercourse with him? Genesis 19: 36.
AGONY OF BAD FELLOWSHIP, Lot’s two daughters became pregnant from their father. Genesis 19:36. Introduction : What Lot’s two daughters did when they were pregnant with their father was very disgusting, because the Scriptures say, “None of you should go to a close relative to expose the nakedness. I am the Lord.” Leviticus 18:… Continue reading Why Lot’s daughters could determine to have intercourse with him? Genesis 19: 36.
Appointed time: Genesis 21:2
GOD’S TIME Word of God: Sarah became pregnant in Abraham’s old age and gave birth to a son at God’s appointed time. Genesis 21: 2. Beloved, human life is full of desires and aspirations. Everyone wants to get something within the time bond period. The philosophy of many people is that a person of a… Continue reading Appointed time: Genesis 21:2
A New Year message. Psalm 96 : 1-3
New Year sermon Sing to Jehovah a new song; Sing to the Lord, all you earth. Sing to Jehovah, give thanks to his name; Promise him day by day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous works among all peoples. Psalm 96: 1-3. Dear ones, we are entering the New Year. The New Year… Continue reading A New Year message. Psalm 96 : 1-3
Joy of Christmas Matthew 1:21
Christmas She will give birth to a child and you will name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21. Introduction: Today, Christmas is being celebrated all over the world. It is the only festival that has covered the earth. Because the significance of the… Continue reading Joy of Christmas Matthew 1:21
“Celebrate your victory with God.” Genesis 21:33
VICTORY Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he prayed in the name of the Eternal God, Jehovah. Genesis 21:33. God is so good that he wants his children to treat him just as well. He expresses this expectation in his command of Israel. He says: “You must love Jehovah your… Continue reading “Celebrate your victory with God.” Genesis 21:33