do not fear Genesis 21:22.

Free from fear Abimelech and Picol, the commander of his force, said to Abraham, God is with you in everything you do. Genesis 21:22.     Introduction: Abraham lived a nomadic life. Such a person treated as secondary in the local society. He had no authority over anything. So such a person always had to… Continue reading do not fear Genesis 21:22.

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Path of blessing Part 1. genesis 22:18

 PATH OF BLESSING  Through your offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me. Genesis 22:18. Introduction: Many people today, especially those who believe in Jesus Christ, are experiencing blessings. God keeps them in every situation ” Our hearts filled with gratitude to the Lord when the poorest of the poor, and the families… Continue reading Path of blessing Part 1. genesis 22:18

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