Path of blessings. Part 2. Genesis. 22:14



So Abraham called that place the Lord will provide. And to this day it is said, on the mountain of the Lord, it will be provided, Genesis 22:14.

path of blessing
In our daily prayers, we ask God for something. Our list never ends. We wish God should give us everything we need. God is always with us in our troubles. Often we witness in church how God helped us. The burden of worries on your head remains the same. Why don’t you think it’s all inconsistent? Some people say the opposite. But when we think about it, we see their testimonies are true, that God loves them, and that they are sincerely trying to live a righteous life. But the burden of anxiety does not end. Lack of happiness and peace in life is not good when the owner of the universe is with you. Let’s find out why there is a lack of happiness and peace in our life when God is with us. Why can’t we truly enjoy the blessed life?

Attitudetowards God:

 Our culture influences our thinking. So we have a way of looking at God. We think God is a power. He blesses those who satisfying him through some religious rituals and punishes those who do not do so. So we must do all rituals on time to get blessings and to save ourselves from punishments. if anyone does something wrong unknowingly, they would have to suffer the consequences. We see this kind of oppression in our society. People look at God from the perspective of their culture. Same way, so many people think that if they don’t go to church, or do not give tithes, they will lose blessings.

It is never right for a Christian to do this for God out of fear or out of pure
selfishness. God expects unconditional love from His children. He thinks that the grace we have received; those of us who are part of the Kingdom should understand our duty and dedicate ourselves to the ministry of the churches. But it is not happening because we look to God from our cultural point of view.

Scripture gives us the right view of God. But for that, we must set aside our worldly knowledge and become completely empty and understand God through the Scriptures. Our view of God will be right, and we will live a blessed life free from anxiety.

Recognize the relationship between God and you: Scripture gives us a clear picture of the relationship between God, man, and those who believe in Jesus Christ. “In six days the LORD made the heavens and the
earth, and the sea, and all that is in them.” Exodus 20:11. Psalm 102: 25 clarifies that “God is the Creator of the universe.” So he has a right to everything in the universe, including human beings. 

A) The relationship between God and man: God has a purpose behind every creation; In the same way, God had a special purpose behind the creation of man. He should look at all the systems on earth, for this, he gives man his likeness (empowerment, knowledge, wisdom and strength). Genesis 1: 27-28. From this, we can see that as the Creator of all humanity, He is the Father of all and that He created all human beings with a higher purpose. But Scripture further states that they did not devote the first man and woman created by God to God’s higher purpose. By disobeying, they followed Satan. As a result, they and the earth under their control cursed. God and their relationship ended. All humans being cursed because of their sins. Separation from the truth (from God)  human life filled with darkness. Again, humans continued to strive for knowledge, intellect, power, and authority, and from it, different religions, sects, ways, creeds, rituals, and philosophies formed. But humans never located that high again, and how to reach? It is not possible for humans to regain what; God takes away from them.  

B) The relationship between God and the Christian believer: 

God loves His creation. So He was born in the womb of the Virgin Mary to show the way of obedience to the disobedient man with examples and for his salvation. Because he is a human incarnation by the power of the Holy Spirit without the union of man and woman. He became a perfect human being, like the first man. There was no sin in him. So we got to see the perfect human life in him. In a world full of darkness, he lived a life of God’s will. Devoted to the will of God despite his innocence, he died on the cross. He broke free from the shackles of death and resurrection on the third day. Obeying God’s will until death removed the guilt of disobedience from all humanity. Now whoever believes in the Lord Jesus and walks in his ways saved. broken relationship re-established. we can rightfully call him my father again. John 1:12 And 1 John 3:1.

If we believe in the Lord Jesus, we do not have to live in fear like the rest of the world. Every promise God makes to us. The power of the Christian life hides in our relationship with God. Blessed is the one who knows and lives this relationship because he will enjoy the perfect life (blessed).

Love God and Man: The Lord Jesus taught us a very important lesson; He says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Matthew 22; 37-38. The heart of a fallen man filled with hatred, but the heart of those saved by faith in Christ filled with love. And it must be. Because God’s Word says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4: 7- 8.

God wants us to live a life full of love, not only for our close friends but also for our enemies. If we do, God pleased us because God does not like discrimination. He makes his sun rise on the good and the bad and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If we love without discrimination, the God-given Son we have received from Jesus will be more glorious, and love will prove that we are God’s children. If anyone says, “I love God, yet hate his brothers is a liar, because he who does not love his brothers before his eyes cannot love the unseen God. Jesus has given us the Command that he who loves God must love his brother as well. 1 John 4: 20-21.

A) If we love God: If we love God, we are happy to obey him; we do not feel the burden. John 14:23 We rejoice in God’s Word, which makes all work accomplished. Psalm 1: 1-3. His love gives us his protection. Psalm 91:14. We can ask God in Jesus’ name, and we will receive it. Matthew 5:43-48. John 15: 7-17. Love gives us spiritual fulfilment. Matthew 5:48, 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13.

B) If we love people: If we love people, they love us too. God’s Word says that this is the golden rule, “Treat them as you would like them to treat you, for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12. Love puts an end to fear. There is no fear in love; there is punishment in fear, and it does not make the one who fears perfect in love 1 John 4:18. In short, if we love men and God, all will bless.

Active and Dedicated Life to the Good News by Faith: If we recognize our relationship with God, we will love him, devoted to his work. God is not a man who has limitations. God has no limit to his power and authority. So no one can stop him from doing good to his children. God’s Word says, “We know all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Abraham followed God in that faith at seventy-five and remained devoted to God’s will in every situation for the next hundred years. Everything that
happened in his life was a blessing for him.

He did not waver when God told him to sacrifice his only child. Because during the hundred years of God’s intimacy, he understood God is omnipotent, holy and full of love. He considers human sacrifice to be ugly, so he will not allow my son to be burnt. This is just a test of my faith. So Abraham went up Mount Moriah with his only son, believing that there would be worship on Mount Moriah and that there would be a lamb for the burnt offering. You, too, must dedicate yourself to the ministry of the good news with your church. We have to move forward believing that this path of ministry is a path of blessing so that we will get the best reward.

Mount Moriah symbolizes the path of blessing: 

As he climbed Mount Moriah, Isaac asked Abraham, “Father, we have everything for the burnt offering, but not the lamb.” Abraham replied, “God will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.” It convinced Abraham that God would not take away his Isaac from him, that he was holy, that he would not allow the human sacrifice to take place, but that he would obey God’s command no matter what happened. He did not get any sign from God, even though he built an altar of wood. Finally, he tied his beloved child and placed it on the altar. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son, but the angel of God called unto him out of heaven and said unto him, do not lay a hand on the boy, he said do nothing to him now I know you fear God for thou have not withheld thy son from me.

Behind him there was a ram wrapped in a bush, which he took and offered instead of his son. Now it had happened according to his faith. He had offered the burnt offering, so he named the place “the Lord will provide”. This is the place that David chose the temple of God, and Solomon built the temple of God there. 1 Chronicles 22: 1, 2 Chronicles 3: 1. This became the place for all of Israel to go to God and ask Him. Next; It was said that on the Jehovah’s mountain, it would have provided. This means that the nation of Israel has experienced the blessings of walking in God’s ways and being faithful to his mission. 


 God did not allow Abraham’s only son to be harmed, but he endured everything when his Son had to give him for the salvation of humanity. He lived with Christ in all his tribulations, and in the end, he offered his life for the salvation of all humankind. How much did he really love the world? John 3:16.

The day we accept the gospel of salvation is the day our human birth becomes meaningful, and we follow the path of utter welfare. So now, without worrying about anything, let us love the Lord Jesus our Savior with all our heart and dedicate ourselves to the service of the gospel by faith. No one can stop him from providing good things for you. Walk-in faith on this blessed path.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank you for your sacrifice for my sin. Help me understand your love. Help me love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength. May I have the perfect bliss of a blessed life? In the name of Jesus, listen. Amen. 

 Rev. Kailas (Alisha) Sathe.


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