Your family and social life
If the Lord does not build the house, then the labour of the builder is in vain. Psalm 127: 1
The house is the representative of the family. The family has a very important place in the social system. Call it the
The foundation of the society, call it the focal point, or call it the powerful element that controls, shapes, and directs the society. The more the family is progressive and capable, we consider the more the society is being progressive and capable. We see the reflection of society in the family because the family is the foundation of society. If we are to expect a fast progressive and empowered society, we should focus on the upliftment of the Family.
Psalm 127 guides us about this. The empowerment of the family as we as the city is not possible without God. Word of God is not just talking about material things, such as building materials, money, but he is also talking about healthy family life. Without God, we cannot live a truly peaceful, happy, and prosperous family life. What to say about the city? We can appoint guards for protecting the city, but God gives wisdom to those guards. God creates terror in the minds of the enemies and maintains social order. Therefore, protecting the city or building a house is not possible without God’s blessing.
God has a special interest in our social life and in our family life. Because He is the founder of the family and society. Considering that society comprises individuals, it shows the first element of society is the individual. God created the first man we can call the first element of society. He created woman from man and blessed both of them with the ability of procreation. We must understand the indisputable truth that God is also the creator of the individual, family, and society.
The reason for the misery that is seen in the family or society today is that human beings never realize God’s lofty goals. From the very beginning, disobedience has caused humankind many troubles. Without understanding God’s guidance, he justified his original sinful tendencies and gave priority to pursuing his own material interests.
From that, false religious doctrines and philosophies became common. And because of this, we have a different mindset towards God and life. It is creating confusion in societies and causing all kinds of evil in individual, family, and social life.
So we must turn to God and his teachings. To build a healthy family and society. He teaches us to take special care of our children, who are our next generation. He wants our children must grow according to his will. As a result, they will continue to be a pillar of the family and the community. So Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 says, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be in your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
“Teaching about God is of paramount importance. By understanding Him and acting rightly before Him, His grace will be upon us and our home and our society will strengthen.
PRAYER: Father God, you are the secret of my successful life. I am not proud. I humbly burden you and fulfil your responsibilities. May peace, family health, and prosperity come from you in my life. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.