The Christian life is built on community duties.

the Christian life is on community duties
Verse: but food does not bring us near to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.  1 Corinthians 8: 8
There was a lot of idolatry going on in Corinth. it held community feasts on special occasions. The entire city was taking part in the event. Some of the learned Christians used to dine in the temple of idols during this feast, while some remained in a dilemma because they thought that the deity lived in the idol and if we ate, it would defile us. People who consider themselves scholars because of their theology support their eating and drinking, saying that the idol is zero, that eating and drinking make no difference, Isaiah 40: 25-26. Saint Paul feared that because of these scholars who considered themselves wise, brothers and sisters who were in a dilemma would stumble and go after useless things again. Therefore, he urges these scholars to treat their brothers and sisters with kindness. Stay away from such things for them.

The Christian life is never for oneself, it is a life built on community duties. Your knowledge, strength, spiritual gifts are all to be used for the upliftment of spiritual brothers and sisters. Saint Paul says I will never eat meat. If it causes my brothers and sisters to fall into sin. 1 Corinthians 8:13 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank You for guiding me daily with the Holy Spirit. Help me carry out my spiritual duties properly. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Rev.Kailas [Elisha] Sathe.



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