The help of God is imperative

The help of God is imperative 

 May he gives you the desire of your heart and makes all your plans succeed Ps: 20-4
Angel, Cherubs, Angel Wings, White

While the king is praying in the temple of God before the battle, the priests and the people present are responding to the king’s prayer. King David has full confidence in his military strength and mighty warriors. But he knew that victory in war was possible not only with military might but also with the help of Jehovah God, so before going to war, he asked for God’s help. We should also strengthen ourselves in all ways to gain intellect, power, money, political power, and social prestige. But never live a life dependent on all this and deal with important events in life. But humble yourself and face every situation with God’s help so that success will be achieved. Your self-confidence should not be based on your own strength, but on God’s strength like David’s. He considers himself a sheep and God his Shepherd. Psalm 23 shows how strong his faith and love for God are. He declares with confidence that his present and future are bright. His past has taught him this. He says,” some trust in chariots, and some horses but we trust in the name of Lord our God.” Psalm 20: 7. For by this name it lifted him up from the sheep and made a king over Israel. Like David, we must have complete faith in the Lord Jesus and love him with all our hearts and soul. We will win every battle. He who believes in him is never ashamed or disgraced.

PRAYER: O God, I thank You for all that You have given me. Your name is my strength and my glory. You are my patron. Let me always understand the glory of your name. Listen as you ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Rev. Kailas [Alisha] Sathe



And the Angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art pregnant, and shalt bear a son; And call his name Ishmael, because Jehovah hears your affliction. Genesis 16:11.

Abram and Sarai did not follow God’s guidance; But they brought Hagar, an Egyptian maid, into their life. That act was not under God’s will or plan, it had a detrimental effect on their lives. Hagar despised Sarai, Sarai persecuted her, and Abram and Sarai blamed each other. Today, many Christian families, congregations, and organizations are not united. They do not seem to face challenges in an organized manner. Because their decisions and actions are not in harmony with God’s will. But God takes care of everything as we move toward the goal of salvation. But we have to learn a lesson and suffer the consequences.

Hagar was an Egyptian slave Pharaoh had given to Sarai. She must have known God when she came in contact with Sarai and Abram.  She may have prayed to God in her suffering. Abram also may have thanks to God for giving him a son, knowing that his son was growing in her womb. And the mind may think that my son’s offspring will be innumerable, like the stars in the sky. But now that the persecution had gone beyond endurance, she cried out to God; By the way of the valiant men, they fled by way of Egypt to the land of Sinai. This path was fatal for her. She had no recourse but God, so she was running like him. The Merciful Father, the Creator of the universe, is gracious to all; Listens to everyone; He has his eye on everyone. He grabbed the enslaved woman, who was screaming at him. He sent an angel to guide her and told her that the name of her child would be Ishmael.

PRAYER: O Lord Jesus, you truly love, and I want you to be saved. I thank you. Always help me to make decisions according to your wishes so that everything will be for your glory, and your service will be done by me in holiness and peace. Amen in the name of Jesus.

Rev. Kailas [Alisha] Sathe.


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