THE TENTH OF THE TITHES! Nehemiah 10:38.



Verse: A priest descended from Aaron is to accompany the Levites when they receive the tithes, and the Levites are to bring a tenth of the tithes up to the house of our God, to the storerooms of the treasury. Nehemiah 10:38.


We know that the tribe of Levi did not get a share in the land out of the twelve tribes of Israel. They had a stake in the service of God’s temple. In order that they might serve and nourish themselves, the Levites also had to bring one-tenth of their portion, unlike the other tribes. There may be questions about why God wants tithes from everyone, even from the Levites! 

For we must understand social justice:

God is a justice, God. He is the creator of this universe. He is a holy God, therefore he wants holiness in his creation, especially in human life. Because he made man in His own image. His representative takes care of this earth and its inhabitant. 
God is there to take care of this world, but he wants to get it done through man. But a corrupt man becomes the foremost cause of the exploitation of the earth and its dwellers of it.

A spiritual responsibility:

Jesus said you are the light of the world. It is our responsibility, as Christians, should teach to teach the world how we should take care of the inhabitants of this earth. Our God is the creator of everything (psalm 8). He is the Father of orphans and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. As children of God, we should have the same approach towards creation and people who are suffering.
The widows, the poor, and the Levites, who worked mainly in the temple, needed nourishment. By this law, God gave the Israelites the responsibility of spiritual service and community service, and God promises to those who do this service joyfully and faithfully, “I will bless all who pay tithes of their produce.” Micah 3:10. So the tithe payers do not fall short of anything and they do progress continues. Enjoy the blessings and fulfil my spiritual and social responsibilities on time.


Lord Jesus, help me and bless me as you have promised so that I can fulfil my spiritual and social responsibilities on time. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.


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