The way to your prosperity Deuteronomy 28:3


Bible Verse: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Deuteronomy 28:3.


Obedience to God means following a disciplined, benevolent, peaceful lifestyle. The above verse clarifies that if we obey God, we receive spiritual, social, political, and financial blessings. Let us see in order what God will bless you with within the city and what will bless you with in the field.

You will bless you in the city:

the city shows social coexistence. Here people live together and from that, they exchanged many things. There is a competition for new inventions. Human coexistence affects each other. Humans are proving their prowess on a personal level through their artistic qualities. Another thing is in order to protect human coexistence
in the city, there should be a system of justice, there should be harmony among each other, there should be a system of political governance so that they should follow the rules and regulations. In such a case, people who have become powerful with the knowledge and financial capacity of the society occupy a leading position in these political systems and lead society. God’s Word says that if we obey, we will be blessed in the city, which means we should realize God will give us the power to lead society.

God will bless you in the field:

agriculture was the major source of income and food in the past. In fact, we can say that excellent agriculture and abundant grain yields helped humans to have a stable lifestyle. They get opportunities and abilities to gain knowledge. In the same way, economic power was gained and social prestige increased. So naturally, such people should dominate others.

God’s promise that we will be blessed in both areas means that the land that does not produce the desired amount of grain despite our hard work. Because of Adam’s disobedience. But the land will reveal its essence through obedience and provide good and abundant grain. As explained above, you will receive spiritual, social, political, and financial blessings.

In today’s context, if we want to understand this verse, we understand that if we obey, God will bless our means of earning, give us stability, and gain social prestige by becoming scholars. So that we can lead society. We will not follow others like the tail, but we will be like the head, and the world will follow us. Deuteronomy 28:13.

PRAYER: O God, you are the source of my social prestige and financial prosperity. Help me obey, bless my handiwork, make me financially prosperous, give me social prestige, make me the head. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Rev Kailas [Alisha] Sathe

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