You will win every battle in life.

You will win every battle in life.

Bible verse: Jehovah is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Whom shall I fear? Psalm 27-1

Introduction: Here, the words light, fortress, or force are figurative. In the dark, the danger increases. It is difficult to stand with confidence in such a situation, but it is easy for King David to face that crisis with confidence, no matter how dark the situation. He revealed the secret of it in this psalm. This psalm is the prayer of David when he was in a troublesome situation. We can divide this prayer into three parts.

The first part: The first part is revealing faith in God. Jehovah is my guide, my protector, and my fortress. Every time the villain, my enemy, came to destroy me, he stumbled and was defeated. Because of this experience, the army would not intimidate me, and the actual battle would not intimidate me. There is only one thing that matters in my life. I must go to Jehovah’s temple all day long. For Jehovah will deliver me in time of trouble. So I will always be above my enemy. And my service to God will be to praise him. By saying this, he is showing his faith in God.

Sky, Freedom, Happiness, RelievedThe second part: the second part, is asking God for protection. O God, hear my voice, have mercy on me, answer me. My heart is searching for your mouth according to your guidance. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn away your servant. I’m sure you won’t leave me even if my parents leave me. Let me be your guide and let me not be entrusted to the will of the enemy. Because they are false witnesses and cruel blows.

The third part:
the third part shows our complete trust in God and our determination to wait for his help. He says that if I had not believed in God and experienced His goodness, I would have been exhausted. So even now I will wait for Jehovah, and I will wait for him with determination and patience.

If we understand these three parts together, David really considered God as his saviour, guide, and source of strength. In the first part, he expresses his strong faith in God. And in the second part, he prays to God for help. And in the third part, he is determined to wait for God’s help.

The believer should examine his life in these three areas. Do I have strong faith in God like David? Do I have the experience of living a fearless life by believing in Him? Do I have the desire to serve God, to seek his face, and to live in his presence? Do you beseech him if the pride of righteousness comes out of you like the scribes do? And after praying, do you decide to wait patiently for his help or to follow the path of the world immediately?

Like David, we should trust in God and make him the light, the saviour, and the strength of our lives, and live a fearless life. Love him and pray to him humbly in times of distress, so that just as David won every battle, we will not lose a single battle, and we will not lose a single battle.

: O Almighty God, you are my light and salvation fortress, so I thank you. May your grace be with me forever. Protect me, guide me constantly, help me to live a victorious life. I pray, In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Rev Kailas (Elisha) Sathe

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